Monday 26 October 2020

Covid19 and keeping safe in Gt Yarmouth

With Covid infections on the rise in the town, it is down to us to be all the more careful with our daily lives.  The mantra from the Government  is hands - face - space.  We are all aware of this, but how many people actually pay any attention to this?  I know the majority of people do, but there are many people that, sadly, do not.  When I go out to shops, I very often see people not wearing masks and close together in groups, and quite often with more than 6 people.  

If you look on the Gt Yarmouth Borough Council Official Website, you will see that there is plenty of advice for residents, businesses and visitors.  There's also plenty of support for people who have lost their jobs due to covid and for people who are on low incomes.  It's worth a look, believe me.  As we have been hearing a lot over the past few months, stay safe!  And it really is worth checking the Gt Yarmouth website for all the latest information, help and resources for people.

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