Tuesday 22 March 2016

History of the seaside

People relaxing on Gt Yarmouth beach.

Way back in the 1800's it was generally the Gentry and aristocracy that visited the coast.  Back in those days, it was said that the sea water had medicinal purposes and was beneficial to ones health.  As such, the seaside was promoted as a healthy place to visit.  It was in 1759 that the Bath House was opened.  The baths were filled with sea water.  The sea, in those days, was not somewhere you swam for fun, unlike nowadays.

By 1846, around 80,000 people were visiting the town.  This was duch much to the introduction of the railway in 1844.  The addition of the railway changed who visited the town considerably.  People from towns and cities across the country flooded to the town.  People began swimming in the sea for fun.  The swimming costumes were almost like wearing their daytime clothes, and it was common to see men in fully clothed costumes.  There were very strict rules about men and women swimming together, and the rules were that they bathed on separate beaches.  You cannot imagine that these days, can you?  People were even fined if they were caught bathing together.

When you see how Great Yarmouth is today compared to those days, you can't image that there were such laws about men and women swimming separately.  The beach was considered good for your health, and the seaside was the place to be for the benefit of ones health.  You still hear people saying that these days, how the sea air is good your health.  But the holiday industry has, indeed, changed considerably and the beach is now packed with people from all walked of life, as has the costumes we bath in!

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